Department of applied mathematics and computational sciences

Conference Seminar on numerical analysis and winter school, Ostrava, Czech Republic.
27.01.2025  –  31.01.2025
Repair of the premises sewerage system, Brno.
23.10.2024  10:00
Current topics in the series of expert lectures.
18.04.2024  10:00
Workshop, Ostrava, Czech Republic (in Czech).
05.03.2024  09:00
Centrum Pant, Ostrava, Czech Republic (in Czech).
08.11.2023  18:00
The most extensive science festival in the Czech Republic.
06.11.2023  –  12.11.2023
Visit the mine CSM, Stonava, Czech Republic (in Czech).
New cooperation with the University of Ostrava (in Czech).
Ing. Marek Pecha for the university magazine Akademik (in Czech).