Employee card

Mgr. Stanislav Sysala, Ph.D.
Department of applied mathematics and computational sciences

Institute of GeonicsCzech Academy of Sciences
Studentska 1768/9
708 00 Ostrava-Poruba
Czech Republic
Professional interests
- Mathematical and numerical analysis (solvability and stability analysis in nonlinear mechanics; finite element method; a priori and a posteriori error analysis; duality and saddle-point problems)
- Numerical methods for non-linear and optimization problems (non-smooth variants of the Newton method; penalization and continuation techniques; conic optimization; convergence analysis; mesh adaptivity)
- Elastoplasticity (analysis and solution schemes for implicit constitutive operators and their derivatives; semismoothness of the operators, incremental methods, limit load analysis, shear strength reduction method)
- Development of MATLAB codes and libraries (in elastoplasticity, damage mechanics, porous flow and other problems)
- Geotechnical applications (stability of slopes, foundations or tunnels; excavation damage zones; nuclear waste repositories; numerical simulations with rock, soil and composite materials)